Monday, November 3, 2008

Diet coke

Jana and I shared a love of diet coke.

We always had one wherever we went and always had one in the refrigerator.

We had one handy when we visited each other's homes. We knew we needed plenty on hand.

I used to work with twins who were rather large women.

They had those giant cup/jug things you buy at convenience stores full of diet coke at all times. This while consuming an entire cake or the giant size fast food meals. Their favorite was a bologna sandwich with diet coke.

I digress.

When Jana and the girls first moved to Dallas and we would run around together, I thought of those twins often. We didn't have the giant cup/jug things, but we always had a can of DC with us.

The final stages of adopting Grace required a quick trip to Houston to finalize papers with the Chinese Embassy and get Darcey's passport.

At all federal buildings you go through a metal detector.

Of course there was a long line and when it came our turn, they barked that we should put everything we were holding on the conveyor belt to be checked.

Jana obliged.

I don't really think they meant an open can of diet coke though.

We shut the line down for a while so they could clean up the spill. I'm not really sure the equipment worked after that.

Jana was rather a nut and not too worried about their equipment and much more worried about going without a diet coke!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jerri,

Thank you, for sharing such wonderful memories with us!

Mommy Spice said...

Hi Jerri,
I want to share about the first time I met Jana. Do you want me to write in this comment section, or is there another place you want me to put it?
